Licensed Arborists
We are trained and knowledgeable in all aspects of arboriculture.
Quick Response
Our simplified estimating and booking process will accommodate your busy schedule.
Leaving No Trace
We will leave your yard damage-free and looking pristine.
Delivering top-notch 5-star service. You can put your mind at ease knowing we safely and carefully handle every step of the job. We will improve your yard and leave the property in better shape than we found it.
Eliminate security and liability concerns on your property whether you have a dead tree or a tree interfering with obstacles such as buildings or utility lines. Selective removal of trees in congested and overgrown areas will help maintain and encourage growth in your remaining trees, allowing them enough space to develop properly.
We can help you remove dead, diseased, or damaged trees and branches that are creating potential hazards in your yard. We skillfully remove trees to ensure there is no risk of injury or property damage.
Improve your trees' well-being and enhance their appearance with regular tree health assessments. The careful pruning, trimming, and shaping of trees are excellent for their health and add value and curb appeal to a property.
Precise pruning will improve the shape and aesthetics, while removing deadwood from mature trees will make them more resistant to disease. Just like we need a little more TLC as we age, our trees do too! We have extensive experience in tree care and pruning to ensure that your tree receives the best possible attention to sustain a long, healthy life.
Clear out your property from any tree stump that is cramping your space. You will be rid of a tripping or lawn mowing hazard and will improve your yard's overall look as well. Who knows, you may have room for that hot tub or outdoor kitchen after all.
We can help by removing the stump flush to the ground or below grade. Using a stump grinder, we will safely remove the remaining tree trunk, roots, wood chips and leave no trace. #likeaninja
Cutting down a tree always involves getting rid of the remaining material. Chipping reduces a large amount of yard debris without burning wood. Additionally, chipping limbs and branches is an environmentally friendly approach to removing tree waste. Debris can be hauled away or left on-site for you to use as nutrient-rich mulch that will fertilize your garden beds and soil.
We bring the right equipment to your door so that we can process most tree vegetation on-site. Our tree experts, working with chippers and other equipment, produce brilliant results and keep your yard neat and tidy.
Let us examine your property and provide you with a report on your trees' health. We will assess and provide you with the best options available, letting you know whether a tree is still in good enough health to be saved, or too far gone and must be removed.
We provide preventive and intervention treatments for trees infected with Emerald Ash Borer. #saveyourash
We also work within and respect the pruning ban guidelines set out by Trees Winnipeg to only prune and cut trees infected with Dutch Elm Disease when safe to do so. It helps reduce the spread of Dutch Elm and keeps these majestic trees with us for years and generations to come.
We work safely and carefully to minimize the chance of damaging your property. If anything unexpected does happen, you can have peace of mind knowing that we are fully licensed and insured for your protection. We will immediately address any unforeseen issues that might arise.
Tree Ninjas evolved out of a previous seasonal business venture, The Christmas Light Guys (est. 2000). Clients would see us in our bucket trucks and lifts decorating their trees for the holidays and constantly ask us to "prune a few branches while you're up there!" Knowing professional tree care isn't quite as simple as 'pruning a few branches,' it took us a while to commit to the idea. But in 2017, founder and lumber-jack-of-most-trades, Charles Wiebe, became a licensed arborist and began providing our unique brand of quality, friendly and trustworthy service to the tree industry.
Since pursuing a path in arboriculture, our fascination and respect for trees have only continued to grow. We've come to love and appreciate the brotherhood amongst tree workers and are proud to know our team boasts some of the area's best-known, highly skilled arborists. We are incredibly fortunate to come to work every day, knowing we can provide an essential service, sharpen our skill level, and work with absolutely awesome people.